Saturday, October 29, 2011

For some reason I had the hardest time falling asleep last night. DH and I watched a movie after the kids went to bed and it ended at around 12:30. We then went upstairs to bed and I could not fall asleep! I finally went downstairs and sat in the kitchen reading for a little while until I was super cold and too lazy to go downstairs to get a blanket. I think I finally fell asleep around 4:30...

Finally a Saturday with no soccer games! Today we need to clean, clean, clean the house and then if there is time, carve our pumpkins. I got out our old Halloween costumes to find something for Kay to wear and all of the kids thought it was fun trying on the old costumes. Most of them are homemade and it's fun seeing them on the younger kids. Luke was able to pull together a Jedi costume so I don't have to go out and try and find something for him at the store - Yea!

I made homemade pizza on the grill tonight. It's pretty fun to do and the whole family loves it (except for Blondie). For some reason, Blondie does not like any of the homemade pizza I make... We had a little bit of a grease fire in the grill that I finally used some baking soda to extinguish. Then I cleaned out all the built up stuff in the bottom of the grill before I attempting to grill the pizzas again. After we were all cleaned up from dinner and the kids were finally finished cleaning their rooms and assigned rooms, it was too late to carve pumpkins. DH and I decided that that would be an okay family activity for Sunday, so we will do it tomorrow evening.

I am in some pain from my milk still not having dried up. My chest is very tender and it kills whenever MJ leans against me. It has been almost 2 weeks since I last nursed her. I was mostly just feeding her on the left side here towards the end (she was never a great nurser on my right side) so I am tender on the left from that and then on my right side is where my port was placed so I'm also tender on that side! Hopefully one of these days I will be able to hold MJ to me and not have it hurt... Everything that I have read said to just let it dry up without doing anything special and it may take 2-3 weeks to finally dry up. I have been sleeping with an ice pack on my chest and that helps to relieve some of the pain.

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