Monday, July 8, 2013

I just read the other day that Pierce Brosnan's step-daughter Charlotte just passed away from a 3-year battle with ovarian cancer - I'm not sure if she was 41 or 42 - it depends what source you read.  Apparently her mother and grandmother also died of ovarian at young ages - her mother was 43 and married to Pierce Brosnan at the time.  The family has the BRCA-1 mutation that I also have.  I wish that I could find out more about her battle with the cancer, but so far I haven't been able to find anything other than statements to the fact that she has fought it for 3 years.  That's one reason why I am keeping this blog in the hopes that it might help someone else down the road that is going through a similar battle with ovarian cancer.  It is sad to hear news like this though and I hope that their family is able to find peace.  She leaves behind a husband and two young children.