Thursday, December 29, 2011

I tried sleeping on my side of the bed last night and it wasn't too bad. My back muscles are all so tense that I used the heating pad for a while and I think it helped some. It's getting easier and easier each day to get in and out of the bed. And thankfully I am pretty much over my cold so no more coughing.

Today DH and I and a couple of the kids went to a few stores to run some errands. It felt kind of weird being out and about, but nice to get a little bit of normalcy back. DH is not used to running around to stores so he is learning a lot. I'm not really in a condition to drive on my own yet though so he gets to come with us! I also helped Blondie and Kitty clean and organize their room - it was a mess!

My body itches everywhere, especially around my incision site. My neck also itches quite a bit where my IV was so I am keeping a bandaid on the hole there so that I don't accidentally scratch off the scab.