Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Another 4 week visit today. I met with another research fellow and she also had a high school student who was shadowing her. Apparently I am a model patient (and an easy one to work with) so they like to have all the newer/student doctors see me and read through my chart.

This visit was a little harder for me because my baby has started kindergarten and she needs to be driven to school right after lunchtime. Thankfully there is another little girl in her class from our neighborhood so MJ was able to get a ride with her and we will be carpooling from now on. It also worked out that my 12 year old hasn't started school yet so she was able to watch MJ until she was picked up for school. I asked the scheduler to give me afternoon appointments from here on out. Apparently the afternoon ones are easier to get because most people want a morning appointment so they can have their chemotherapy on the same day. I don't have to deal with that right now so I will be switching to afternoon appointments.