Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tired again. Church went well and afterwards I went to visit a family from the ward and then went to choir practice for the first time since my diagnosis. It was good to be back singing again. There is one number for the Easter program coming up in two weeks that the primary will be singing that has a flute part to go with it. I have yet to pull out my flute and try playing it. I'll have to do that in the next couple of days to see if I want to play along with the primary or not. I think my biggest obstacle with playing the flute is whether or not my diaphram has completely healed and if I have the lung capacity that I need to play well. I also have pain occasionally around my lungs where my liver and diaphram were operated on.

I woke up this morning with my face all broken out in pimples! What is up with that?!?