Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Well, unfortunately today I did not get the best of news at my appointment... My CA-125 number jumped up to 24 and that one spot that they identified in my last scan appears to be slightly larger this time around... My doctor said that she isn't too happy with either of those developments. So at this point they will continue to monitor both the CA-125 number and that one spot. If it is larger next time around, we may start discussing surgery with a surgeon at Huntsman...

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

So today I had M&M come with me to my CT scan because I had to have a driver with me because of the premedications that I had to take. I also had to go to the Huntsman hospital instead of the satellite office which is closer to my home. So we got there and I picked up the contrast drink and then had my port accessed for the scan. I was a little nervous for the scan but made sure to warn the techs that I had an allergic reaction last time and that I had taken the premeds that they prescribed me. Well I ended up having the same reaction this time... I felt super warm and flushed and my skin turned bright red and I also threw up and had one hive appear on my leg... They had a physician come and monitor me and then they took me to a small room to wait and make sure that nothing else happened. They had M&M come and wait with me in the room. After about a half hour they let me leave and after having my port deaccessed, M&M drove me home.