I had my 3-month CT scan today. When I set up the appointment several weeks ago I asked if I could try the other oral contrast drink that is supposed to be a little gentler on the stomach. I was told that that was fine but I would have to come in an hour and a half before my appointment and I would have to drink the contrast there at the clinic. So today my parents came over to watch the girls (after I mowed the back lawn and put fertilizer on both the front and back). I got there almost 2 hours early and went to get the contrast drink. Apparently it is just something that they mix with a bottle of distilled water and then you drink it. I was told beforehand that you could bring a single serving packet of Crystal Light powder to add to it to help improve the flavor. I made sure to ask about that when they gave it to me and they said that it shouldn't really have much taste but I could if I wanted to. Well, I did try it and it did have kind of a weird taste, so after a few sips I decided to mix the Crystal Light with it. I then went to the clinic to have my port accessed and labs drawn. That went relatively quickly. Usually they need to get a urine sample as well and I asked about that and the nurse said that it wasn't on the order but she would ask about it before I came back. I then went back to the radiology waiting room to drink the contrast and wait for them to call me back for the scan. I read some in the book I am reading while waiting - and I was freezing! It felt really cold to me in the waiting room!
Well, as I was sitting there drinking my contrast and waiting for them to call me back, they called my name about 20 minutes early! That never happens! Thankfully I had started drinking the contrast when they first gave it to me instead of following the instructions on the bottle and starting it just an hour before the scan. I still had probably about a third of a bottle left to drink but they took me back and put me in another little waiting room - I think they were surprised that I already had my port accessed so they didn't need to do an I.V. on me. Then about a minute later they came and got me again and took me to the room for the scan.
Afterwards I went back to the clinic to have my port de-accessed and as I was waiting I really needed to use the bathroom (after drinking all of that distilled water), but I wanted to wait to hear if they needed a urine sample. After the nurse was free I asked her and she said that yes I did need to give one. So I hurried off to the bathroom and then went back to have my port de-accessed. All in all it was a pretty routine scan and I will find out the results on Wednesday.