Friday, October 14, 2011

I sent DH to work today. He was reluctant to go, but I assured him that I would be alright and that if anything came up I would call him and he could come back home. Unfortunately he works about 45 minutes away (and in the opposite direction of the Huntsman Institute), but I was pretty sure that I wouldn't have to go in for anything that day. It was nice to not have any tests or appointments finally.

I got a call from Nereida informing me that everything looked good from the lab work and that she was hoping to hear from their parent company on Monday if I was accepted into the trial. She also asked if I wanted her to setup an appointment with a surgeon to have a port installed. We had pretty much decided that that would be a good thing for me to do so I told her to go ahead and set that up for us.

Later that afternoon I got a call from the surgeon's office letting me know that they had me on the schedule to do the port for me on Tuesday - and to be prepared for it to be early in the morning, like 6 a.m. The receptionist gave me a number for the University Hospital to call on Monday after 2 p.m. to find out my surgery time for Tuesday. She also gave me the instructions for the surgery: no eating or drinking after midnight, no ibuprofen or aspirin, no makeup, no lotion, no jewelry, wear comfortable clothes, leave valuables at home or in the car.

Updated the bishop and other ward members of the official diagnosis and that we are okay with people being told of my condition as needed.