Friday, June 29, 2012

I had my CT scan today (the day after returning from being out of town for almost 2 weeks). Things have been super busy trying to unpack and get things cleaned up from the trip. Plus it doesn't help that we got in late last night and I am just super tired from everything that we did! I was getting ready to eat a late lunch this afternoon when I happened to glance at the instructions for my CT scan and it said not to eat or drink anything 3 hours prior to my scan. Well, at that point I was within that 3 hour time span so I had to wait until after my scan to eat anything. I also had to drink the wonderful barium solution and it was starting to make me feel a little nauseous at the end since I hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast this morning. I ended up having to wait an extra half hour for my scan because they were having a hard time getting an IV into the patient they were scanning right before me. I decided to post a comment to my facebook page about having to wait and having an empty stomach and I got so many comments from concerned people about my scan and hoping that things turned out well with it. I honestly wasn't nervous at all for my scan until I read all of those comments and got to thinking about what results they might find in the scan. Now I have to wait until Monday to find out what those results actually are. This was just a standard abdominal/chest CT scan that I will have done every 3 months to hopefully catch any cancer early if it decides to grow back. After the scan was over and I was on my way home I ate a few snacks that I had taken with me. Once I got home though I started feeling a little sick and ended up having to run to the bathroom with some diahrrea. I think that this is just a side effect to the barium drink. I was told that there is something else I can take in place of it so I'll have to ask about that before my next scan.