Friday, August 9, 2013

Got a call from Huntsman today.  My CA-125 number has gone up again.  This time it is at 25 (from 19 last time).  I am not happy about the increase but they say not to worry about it too much yet.  They said that the CA-125 test is not as good of a test indicator as the CT scan is so when I have that done next time they should be able to tell more definitively if the cancer is coming back.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

We had to do some rearranging of appointments and bump my doctor's appt and infusion back a week because we went out of town as a family and then I went to YW camp for a few days.  (I don't mind though!)

Today's appointment was pretty uneventful.  It took them a few minutes to find the results from my bone density scan, but once they found that it was fine.  I am right on the edge of where they would like me to be as far as my bone density goes.  They say that some exercising can help with that though so I will need to try and work that in to my schedule!  My calcium levels were good though so the calcium supplement I am taking is a good one.