Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Appointment with the Gynecological Oncologist. She was a really nice lady who seemed very optimistic about my recovery and options. We discussed the implications if it is cancer or not and then she did some examinations on me. She could feel the tumor, and was pleased that it seemed about to move around so it did not appeared to be anchored to anything major. We scheduled an abdominal CT scan and chest X-ray for later that day and then scheduled a surgery to remove the tumor for Wednesday of the following week. At this point things seemed very optimistic and positive.

After drinking 2 full bottles of barium, I was ready for the CT scan. I was given a choice of the flavors I could drink: vanilla, banana and berry flavor. I chose berry flavor, but when the lady checked she only had one berry flavor that was chilled so she gave me that and then she had me pick another flavor so I chose the vanilla (she said that the drinks taste much better when they are chilled). We ran home to check up with the family for a few minutes and grab some lunch for DH (I had to fast until after the scan). I thought that the vanilla flavor started out tasting okay but by the end I was having a hard time getting it down. I thought that the berry tasted much better, but still had a gross aftertaste. We then left to go to the imaging center, I had the chest X-ray first and then I had the CT scan. Then we went back home.

Our ward had an Activity Days Achievement Night for the 8-11 year old girls and I tried attending it with DH and Blondie, but I started feeling really awful once we got there and the room was super hot - I was afraid I was going to pass out. I ended up leaving not too long into the meeting and the Primary President came up to DH afterwards and asked him if I was alright, so he filled her in on what was going on with my health as we knew it at the time. DH gave permission for the Primary President to inform the Bishop and Relief Society President, who both called DH later that evening.

At this point we didn't want to share the news with too many people until we had all the facts and questions answered as far as my diagnosis and the treatment I would need. We have told the kids that there is something growing inside of me that shouldn't be there (the tumor) so the doctors are going to perform surgery to remove it. Depending on how involved the surgery ends up being, I will be in the hospital overnight for at least one night and possibly up to three or four. Not looking forward to that at all...