Sunday, October 9, 2011

I woke up feeling fine on Sunday so I decided to go to church. What better place to be then at church with my family on a Sunday? I have a hard time staying home when I can be with them and I am feeling alright. Plus I knew that not many people are aware of my situation at this point so I wouldn't be approached by too many people. I haven't told the rest of the primary presidency at this point so there were a couple of awkward moments where I was being a little non-committal about some things coming up in the next few weeks and wasn't quite sure how to respond to some questions. Other then that I only got a little teary when the Relief Society President came into primary and gave me a hug and said it was good to see me there.

After church I decided to email the rest of the primary presidency to fill them in on what was going on with me health wise. Other than that I haven't told many people yet. Still waiting on the official diagnosis from the biopsy scheduled for Monday.

Later on that evening I had some really severe pain in my abdomen/back/hip/leg all on the left side. I was finally able to get it under control with some acetaminophen and a heating pad. I think the ovarian tumor is able to move around inside of me and with all of the testing and manipulating I had done to it the previous week I think it got moved into a spot where it occasionally sits on the nerve going to my leg. While I was in my bedroom trying to manage the pain, DH had a family meeting with the kids to let them know a little what was going on with me and that I would probably have to go through some treatments that will make me sick before I will get better again. He also mentioned that my hair would most likely fall out and that really got the attention of a few of our girls, especially Blondie. He stresed the fact that the kids are going to have to step up some to help more around the house while we deal with my health issues. We feel that it is important to be upfront and honest with the kids so they aren't afraid to talk to us or ask questions. My only concern is how open they will be with sharing the news with others and what they will say based on their limited understanding!

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