Thursday, October 27, 2011

I woke up this morning and thought, "Wow! I finally have a clear head! I can think straight!" I realize that I have been really foggy brained the last three days and just couldn't put my finger on what was wrong. It's like my brain wasn't firing on all cylinders the last couple of days. (When I mentioned it to our neighbor who went through chemo she asked if I had ever heard the term "chemo brain". Apparently that is what I was experiencing.) I also finally had a good night's sleep. I sent DH to work and then sat around the house playing with the kids and trying to get some things done here and there. It's nice to finally be able to think clearly! M&M has her final soccer game this evening and I actually think I may go to it. I also have a stake auxiliary leadership meeting this evening. Maybe I'll feel well enough to attend that as well.

I load all of the kids into the car for M&M's game. The field she'll be playing at has a nice playground right next to the soccer field so it will probably be nice for the kids to get out and have some fun while we're there. DH will be stopping by the game on his way home from work. The weather is a little chilly at first and then gets really cold once the sun goes down. I end up leaving just after halftime because the kids are getting cold and they're not doing a good job of watching the little ones. I go home with the four youngest and warm up leftovers for dinner. MJ is starving so I'm having to feed her and can't take the time to get myself ready for my meeting. DH finally gets home from the game right at 7:00 (when my meeting starts). I turn MJ over to him and the older kids and run upstairs to quickly change and get myself ready for my meeting. I get there about 15 minutes late and wander around the building a few minutes trying to figure out where I am supposed to be. It's a good meeting. I'm glad I went. I had a TON of people come up to me afterwards and give me hugs and wish me well and tell me that I'm in their prayers and asking how they can help. It's been very overwhelming and touching how many people want to help me and my family. It's also very humbling to realize that I/we need those prayers and appreciate them. Somehow through all of this there is something that I need to learn and hopefully I will end up a better & stronger person.

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