Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My parents come over early to watch the kids for us. They see the older ones off to school and then stay with the two little ones the whole day. My almost two year old nephew also comes over to spend a good chunk of the day because my sister just had her second baby yesterday (3 weeks early) and will be in the hospital for a couple of days.

I have an appointment for blood work at 8:10 this morning and then meet with my oncology team shortly after that. Everyone keeps commenting on the fact that I still have hair, so that is a good thing! I didn't lose as much weight as I thought I had, but every little bit helps. They discuss some of my blood work tests and say that my whilte blood cell count dropped pretty low the second week, but was pretty much back to normal this week. All the other tests came back normal except my blood sugar level was a little elevated - they attribute that to the steroid I am on. We also discuss the symptoms that I have experienced and how to deal with them. The nurse practitioner feels my abdomen and she said that last time she saw me she could definitely feel the tumor and this time if she didn't know that it was there, she probably would not have noticed it. Yea! Some good news! Hopefully the chemo treatment is working well and I can only hope that the liver is being affected the same way.

Then we were walked over to the new infusion room that just opened up since my last infusion. We checked in at the front desk and then sat down in the waiting room for a few minutes until they called me back. All I can say is "Wow!" about the new infusion room! It is super spacious and a beautiful room. Each person has a ton more space than the old room, their own personal TV and Blu-ray player, and all the reclining chairs face huge open windows that look over the Salt Lake Valley. It's much more private than the old room because in the old room we were all facing each other and there was very little space between the chairs.

My infusion started about an hour sooner than last time, but we also had a third drug added that took 90 minutes to infuse. Things went a little quicker since it was my second time with the other drugs so we actually ended about the same time as last time. I reacted to the Benadryl again. It was almost an immediate reaction after they started it. It was really weird. I almost immediately started feeling woozy and lightheaded and had to lay down because I was afraid I was going to pass put if I didn't. Other than that the only other reaction I felt was a headache that came on during the second drug. I'm not sure though if it was the drug causing it or the chair that I couldn't seem to get comfortable in today. I laid down for a little bit and tried to sleep and then I felt better after a little while. I still have a small headache later, but it isn't too bad right now.

Other than that things were pretty uneventful. DH was with me most of the time (except when he got us lunch and used the restroom). He read a book and did some work on his laptop. I mostly did things on my ipad. I tried reading a little but had a hard tme concentrating on it.

We left the hospital a little after 5:00 and after listening to the traffic reports took an alternate drive home and ended up taking about an hour - much better than the hour and a half from last time.

My parents fed the kids the dinner that was brought over by a ward member and then DH and I ate when we got home. The little girls were particularly happy to see us when we arrived. Then DH went with M&M to our ward's YW in Excellence night.


  1. So glad things went well today! Such great news about what the nurse practitioner said. We continue to keep you in our prayers. We want to talk to you guys some time this weekend. Hopefully we'll catch you around. Love you guys.

  2. Reading your blog helps us so much. We're able to talk to our kids about what is happening. We continue to keep you guys in our prayers. Like Cherylyn we are going to try to skype you this weekend sometime. I hope that we can catch you at a good time! I'm glad the nurse practitioner couldn't feel it this time. Love you!
