Friday, November 11, 2011

Tried out my new pillow last night. I think it will take me a couple of nights to get used to it. It's a little bit bigger than my previous one. I got up a couple of times again in the night. I'm trying to find the right combination of pills to take to keep my side effects down to a minimum this time around. So far I seem to be feeling better overall than following my first treatment. The only side effects that I've noticed today is a little bit of tiredness and a little bit of a headache off and on.

I feel like I was pretty productive today. A neighbor watched the girls for me this morning so I could run to the store. After that I took the girls home for lunch and then MJ and I took a little nap on the couch while Kay watched some TV. I was able to do most of the laundry today - now we just need to put it away. I went with DH to a couple of stores this evening and dinner was brought to us by the Stake Primary Presidency. I did have more of an appetite today, although the food still doesn't taste quite right. After dinner the older kids and DH and I stayed up to watch the last Harry Potter movie. I enjoyed it more than the previous one, but the ending seemed quite anti-climatic.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear the side effects haven't been too bad this time around. I bet you look really cute in your new hats!
