Monday, December 19, 2011

MJ and I both stayed home from church yesterday. With my cold and surgery coming up, I don't want to catch anything else before my surgery! I used the time at home to finish up most of the Christmas wrapping. Just a few things left. This morning I did the last of my grocery shopping. I've been doing a lot of baking the last couple of days - trying out a few new cookie recipes. I think I will freeze some of them so we can eat them after my surgery. DH and the kids minus MJ went to a Bishopric family party this evening. I think they all had a good time. They had a White Elephant Exchange and I think the kids all liked the gift they came home with. I am not looking forward to tomorrow! After midnight tonight I will be on a clear liquids only diet. Basically the only thing I can eat are jello and popsicles. Other than that I can only drink liquids that are clear - such as fruit juices, sports drink, sodas, water, and a few other things. I'm a little concerned because since I started my chemo treatments, I tend to get nauseous when my stomach is empty. The other thing I have to do tomorrow is take some laxative tablets and then a whole 14 day bottle of Miralax to clean out my bowels before surgery on Wednesday! The bathroom and I will be close friends by the end of the day tomorrow...


  1. I hope you don't mind me following your blog Stephanie. This is Shauna Johnson from St. George. I heard about your blog from one of the old neighbors there in the neighborhood. I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and pray all goes well with your surgery.

  2. Well- I sure do hope you love your bathroom! :) We are praying that you will recover fast so you can make it home for Christmas. We love you.

  3. We just heard the surgery went well. You are in our prayers. We love you and hope for you to be home by Christmas!
