Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Everyone went to school today! They all have slight coughs, but hopefully they are out of the contagious stage... My parents came over to watch the little girls for me while I drove to the clinic to have my blood drawn for the lab work. I mentioned to the nurse that accessed my port that last week it bled onto my shirt so she made sure to put pressure on the spot for longer than usual. She said that it was oozing quite a bit afterwards and she put some extra gauze and two bigger band-aids over it before I left. She said to mention to my doctor the bleeding as well as any nurses that access my port. My husband is wondering if it is the Avastin that is causing the extra bleeding since I've only had it the 2 nd and 5th chemo cycles snd I haven't had any bleeding problems before last week. It's something I'll have to keep an eye on. I got a call after I got home letting me know that my white blood cell count is low again - which was not a surprise.

MJ was asleep on the floor when I got home. My mom said that she had been pretty whiny while I was gone. All afternoon she just whined and cried and fell asleep a few times on my lap. Why is it that sick kids only want their mom? Usually it's not that big of a problem (except that you can't get anything done), but when I'm trying not to get sick myself, it makes things difficult. Hopefully MJ and Kay will get better soon...

My eyebrows are falling out. The outer half of each brow is almost completely gone. I've started trying to pencil them in a little to make them look more normal. My jaw is feeling a little better today, but it's still a little tender.

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