Thursday, February 16, 2012

Felt alright today. Mostly just tired and a headache. Since I noticed my hair falling out at the doctor's office yesterday, I made sure to wear a hat to bed last night. It's a good thing because this is what I found inside my hat this morning:
(This is just a simple knit hat that I made myself a couple of months ago to wear around the house and to bed when needed.)
I'm going to ask DH to shave my head in the next day or two so I don't have this hair dropping off everywhere and sticking to everything. When I get out of the shower it sticks to me and I end up finding little hairs everywhere. For those that are interested, here are a few pictures I took this morning of my hair and some of my scars. If you aren't interested in seeing them, you can skip this post! It's hard taking pictures of yourself, but I wanted to get some taken so I can document everything that has happened. I also wanted to document how much my hair came back in before it fell out again. I can say right now that I never thought that I would be dealing with the hair loss issue twice though!
Okay, these next couple of pictures are of my scars. I've edited them slightly, but you can get a pretty good idea of how extensive the incision was. Right now it's healing really nicely - just one small spot where I have a small scab still. Also if you look on the left side of the picture you can see a dark circle where my drain was for the liver part of my surgery.This next picture is of my port. You can see the nice incision with the bump above which is where the port is. If you look closely you can make out 3 small bumps that are in a circle. The needle is placed in the middle of those bumps. Above the port you can make out a line which is the catheter line that goes into my vein. Contrary to what we were led to believe, this port sticks out like a sore thumb! I can even make it out under some of my shirts... Also in the picture you can see up on my neck where they had a huge I.V. sticking out of me while I was in the hospital. That's the I.V. that was used for the blood transfusions I was given. I've also got several other little scars on my neck from who knows what that they did to me in the hospital!
So there's the show and tell for now. I just wanted to give those of you who are interested a chance to see some of what I have gone through.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to tell you that I've been thinking a lot about you in the last few days.... Every time I do I try to remember to ask Heavenly Father to bless you and your sweet family.
