Saturday, February 4, 2012

I was able to sleep again last night! So that's two nights in a row now! Maybe the sleeplessness has been a side effect of the chemo. It will be nice when I am finally done with the chemo so I can finally determine what effects it has had on me versus effects from the hysterectomy.

I went to a baptism this morning and then helped the kids with cleaning the house. After I put MJ down for her nap DH and I ran to a couple of stores. (It's nice having kids old enough to babysit!) While we were at Kohl's there was a lady right behind me at the checkout line that was practically standing on top of me and kept making comments to her kids that were with her about how sick she was feeling and didn't they also feel sick and just want to go home and sleep... Even if I wasn't going through chemo treatment at this time, I would have been disturbed by the lady's actions. Hopefully she wasn't really sick and didn't give me anything if she was... There are definitely all types of interesting people in the world...

I've been feeling pretty good today. My stomach muscles have been a little sore again as the day goes on so I will probably try sleeping with a heating pad again. I was especially feeling sore muscles while I was bathing the little ones this evening.

I keep forgetting to mention my arm that had been hurting. About a week ago I all of a sudden noticed that it wasn't hurting me to do things like it had been. I had been taking a couple of ibuprofen here and there to try and reduce the inflammation and I was also trying to not use my right arm as much (like lifting things in and out of the shopping cart with my left arm instead of my right). My right arm still hurts a tiny bit if I overuse it or lift something heavy, but nothing like it had been. It's just kind of weird.

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