Wednesday, February 1, 2012

So I tried some sleeping pills last night and they didn't seem to have any affect on me... Not quite sure what that means. Maybe I need to try something stronger?? For some reason I still don't feel overly tired though...

This morning I baked the cake for my son's birthday and then took the girls over to my parents' house so I could drive to Huntsman for my lab work. It was a pretty quick visit. I didn't put anything on my port this time and was just fine. I took an ice pack with me but ended up not using it. After that I went back to my parents' and had some lunch and then took the girls home. After I put MJ down for her nap I decorated the cake and wrapped some presents. My parents came over later to celebrate with us. We only do friend parties every other year for the kids and this year was just a family party for Luke.

My head is super fuzzy! The kids (and my husband) all love rubbing their hand across it (and I do too). Unfortunately it will be falling out again here in another week or two and then I will have to start all over again in a couple of months.

Today I am 6 weeks out from my surgery! In some ways it seems like it was such a long time ago! My abdomen scar is looking pretty good. I have one very small spot about an inch above my belly button where the incision site separated slightly. That one spot has a small, round scab over it and it keeps trying to come off, especially after I have showered. The skin at the very top of the incision is also slightly separated and was a little irritated the other day. The skin where my drain was has healed nicely and the spot on my neck where my I.V. was has finally closed up.

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