Sunday, February 26, 2012

Well, we all stayed home from church today. I think this is the first time that our whole family has stayed home because of sickness. I had a meeting before church that I went to and then I went back home and changed out of my church clothes and helped take care of the sick kids - all 6 of them. I feel like I am giving out medicine like it's candy. As soon as one of the kids started complaining about being hot or cold or a headache, I knew that their medicine had worn off and it was time to give out some more. I was feeling fine until it got into evening time and then I started feeling really hot and my stomach started cramping up. I had DH come and take MJ from me and I went upstairs to eat something and then took my temperature. It was 99.6. I'll have to keep an eye on it. I think my stomach was just cramping up because I was hungry. After I got something in my stomach I felt fine the rest of the day. My temperature was back to normal by the time I went to bed - another late night thanks to MJ. I've also had a headache all day but I'm not sure if that is from the chemo or the sickness going around.

1 comment:

  1. Man, you need to catch a break! I hope you not posting the last couple days doesn't mean you have been really sick with the flu. I hope everyone feels better real soon!
