Thursday, March 15, 2012

Still the chemo brain today, but I just try to work through it and carry on as usual. The headache kind of comes with that as well. I definitely had a chemo brain experience yesterday and today. Yesterday while my mom was at the house I was telling her that I needed to go to the fabric store to buy the pattern for MJ's dress and it was going to be on sale at the store close to me, starting today. Well, I pulled out the ad to look through it and make sure that I was right and I couldn't find the patterns on sale in that ad until March 25th. I looked through it more than once and I was a little mad at myself because I had been planning on doing this for a week now and now I found out that I had planned incorrectly. Well, my mom mentioned that she thought she saw in another ad that the patterns were going to be on sale at another fabric store, starting tomorrow, but that fabric store is a little farther away from my house. Well, no big deal, I would just go to the other fabric store in the morning and get the pattern that I needed.

So this morning I drove out to the fabric store that is farther away, bought the pattern and then I had to stop at the closer fabric store to buy some more of the original fabric that I had bought for the dress. After I got the fabric cut, I was waiting at the cash register to checkout and I had the ad in my hand and was looking through it to see if there were any coupons that I could use on the fabric and there was the ad for the patterns on sale, starting today for 99 cents, instead of the $1.99 that I just paid for the pattern across town at the other store! Boy was I ticked at myself!! (The only positive to this story is that I saw a new dollar store that I went in and found some things that I had been looking for.)

Well, the rest of the day went fine until this evening when my husband and I went to our precinct caucus meeting. Even though I haven't been able to serve as a delegate so far (mostly because of my young kids), I like going and voting and knowing what is going on politically in our neighborhood and state. I have gone ever since we moved to our home here and wasn't about to miss it this year because of chemo brain. Well, we showed up at the middle school where our precinct was meeting and I looked on the precinct map that they had and I thought I figured out which precinct we are in (they recently redrew all of the precinct boundaries) so we headed to the cafeteria of the school where our precinct was meeting and when we got there we didn't recognize anyone in the room. Then we realized that I had read the map incorrectly and we were in the wrong location... We did finally figure out where we were supposed to be meeting and it was quite an interesting caucus meeting - the most people I have ever seen there. The precinct chair counted about 90 people there from he said 300 that are registered in our precinct. I think the most I have ever seen at one of our precinct meetings before tonight has maybe been 25 people. I'm hoping next time I will be in a position to be able to run for either a precinct position or a delegate position. There is something about politics that I find fascinating. I think it was also the longest meeting that we have been to because we didn't get home until around 9:30 that night.

There were a lot of people there that I haven't seen in a while that were curious how I was doing and feeling. Unfortunately with my chemo brain I wasn't feeling entirely there or super talkative either.

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