Friday, May 11, 2012

Wow my new wig was itching my head today!!  I wore it for a couple of hours this morning while I was out and it was driving me crazy!  I almost just took it off, but I didn't have any hats with me to throw on my head.  Hopefully soon I will be at the point that I don't care anymore!

My eyebrows are about halfway back right now.  I still need to pencil in a few strands - mostly on the outer part of my brow.  It got me to thinking about how our eyebrows and other hairs like that know how to stop growing.  We typically don't see people with eyebrows or eyelashes or arm hair for that matter that is really long.  How do those hairs know to only grow to a certain point?  Or do they fall out and get replaced when they reach a certain length?  They certainly are different from the hair on our heads for some reason...

Here are some pictures taken of me this morning.  I have not penciled any eyebrows in at this point so you can see what I have now, plus the hair that is growing in on top of my head:

I have an update to add to Tuesday's post that I will cut and paste at a later date.  On Tuesday while I was preparing dinner (and trying to decide whether or not to go to our Relief Society activity), the vision in my left eye went kind of weird - like I all of a sudden had something partially blocking my view or it was blurry.  I couldn't even describe what it was like.  I wasn't too concerned at first but thought that if it continued I would stay home from the activity.  About 15 minutes or so later while I was finishing up my dinner my eye finally went back to normal and I haven't had any problems since.  I just want to document the issue in case it ever comes back (and I think I experienced it once before a few months ago).

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