Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Finally got a call from the dermatologist yesterday evening.  She said that the results were back from the culture that was done on my sore and it is not infected at all.  It was just normal gram positive rod bacteria that is present in everyone's skin - no infection whatsoever.  So after looking at it under the microscope they are pretty sure that what happened was I had a small cyst just under the skin and something happened which caused it to rupture and the redness and pain that I was experiencing was just inflammation.  The doctor told me that she was going to put me on a new antibiotic that is specifically for treating inflammation instead of the one I was on which was for infection.  It is still draining slightly so I am still keeping a bandaid over the spot.  The doctor told me to come back in about 3-4 weeks and then she would take a look at it again and decide if we needed to do anything more to treat it.


  1. Good to hear that it's not anything serious! Hope that it heals soon.

  2. Steph, thanks for sharing these things with us. I read before to keep up with how you were doing, but now I am rereading to understand what Chris is going through too. (she started chemo a week ago) Thanks for all you have done here. You are still in our thoughts and prayers! We love you.
