Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It is weird just having my youngest at home with me during the days now!  Yesterday my mom came to my house to watch MJ during my CT scan and today I dropped MJ off at my mom's house on my way to my appointment.  My scans looked good once again.  The Huntsman Hospital and University of Utah Health Group now have an online system where I can see my test results once my doctor releases them so right before she came in to visit with me I had noticed that she had just released my CA-125 number.  So I quickly clicked on the results from that test and my number has dropped to 11!  My new all-time low!

They can't draw my study labs at the clinic near my house (where I have most of my scans now), so after my appointment I had to go and have some more labs drawn.  Some of the nurses tend to overreact to my skin and my port at times.  I have skin that flushes really easily and it is also pretty sensitive.  So when they are rubbing my port with alcohol to clean the skin prior to accessing it, it usually turns bright red and the nurses get nervous that I am having an allergic reaction or something is wrong with my port.  I always have to keep reassuring them that it is perfectly normal for me and that I will keep an eye on it and report if there is anything unusual going on.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie, I follow your blog regularly, and am so glad to see such consistently great news! We sure miss you around here, but it sounds like your new place is just what you hoped for. Love to you all.....Cindy Johnson ;-\\\\\
