Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Today I met with my Huntsman doctor and I talked with her about my experience with my CT scan on Monday. She hadn't noticed the note that had been added but it was a good thing I mentioned it to her because they apparently flagged me as having an allergy to the I.V. contrast and wrote in the notes that I sneezed 3 times. It was also noted that I was feeling nauseous. My doctor said that the problem with doing that is that we don't really know that it was the contrast that made me sneeze - it could have been something completely unrelated - and if I am flagged as being allergic to it, it would mean that I can only get my scans done at the University of Utah where they can monitor me closely. I wouldn't be allowed to have my scans done anywhere else.

So my doctor called a couple of doctors/techs to consult with them and they decided to change my record so that I was not flagged as having an allergy to the contrast - but that they would do the scan normally the next time and just keep a close eye on me for any potential allergy symptoms. Also she changed the notes to read that I was feeling nauseous before the scan was done and before the I.V. contrast was given to me. We think that the nausea was unrelated to the scan itself.

After thinking about it later, I think that the reason I felt nauseous was because of my empty stomach - not because of the oral contrast. I will have to talk to my doctor about maybe not taking my medication the morning of my scan next time.

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