Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sorry I haven't been in much of a mood to update lately (and now I have the oxygen sensor on my left index finger). Quite frankly I was hoping to be home by now but I am not. I did really good the first couple of days after surgery and felt really good and things were looking like I might be released as early as Friday.

Then Thursday night into Friday I started taking a turn for the worse and felt really nauseous, heartburn and even threw up several times and didn't feel like eating much at all. They decided there must be something going on with my bowels so they put me on an NPO diet (which basically means I can't eat or drink anything) and they are just giving me I.V. fluids to try and give my bowels and stomach a break. I have had several x-rays of my abdomen area and a lot of lab work done to try and see if there is actually a problem or if my bowels just need a little more recovery time. So far results have been normal except they had one lab come back with a positive for bacteria in my blood which may mean they will need to do a ct scan to figure out if there is a problem.

They tried one afternoon to put a GI tract up my nose and down to my stomach to try and clear out some of the gas there but it hurt so bad just getting it up my nose that I made them take it out. It felt like they were breaking things in my nose to get it up there. They were going to try it again later but I was able to talk the doctors out of it and they said as long as my nausea and vomiting could be kept under control then I could get away with not doing it. And thankfully I haven't thrown up since then.

DH brought the kids except M& to visit me last night. They have been missing me. :( It is sad because I had to miss Kay and MJ's first soccer games. Kay kept trying to hug me but we had to call her off because of my incision right down my middle - she was only allowed to do side hugs. They just stayed for a little bit because quite frankly there is not much to do to entertain them here and I am pretty tired most of the time so I am not much company either. All I want is a nice big cup of ice water! And they won't even allow me to have that! The only thing I can do is swab my lips with water and drink a time sip with some of my medication.


  1. Oh Stephanie reading this just brought it all back to me with Todd. That stupid, stupid tube that they try to put in your nose. I'm so sorry you had to go through that on top of everything else. That was just excruciating for todd to experience & me to watch. We finally after 4 try's talked them into putting him out to insert it. My heart just goes out to you and your family. Many prayers for you all. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. ❤️ I can not imagine! thinking of you and your family! Love you all ❤️

  3. Steph I am so sorry. I truly wish I could take the pain away from you.
