Saturday, October 22, 2011

DH has a cousin getting married in the Salt Lake Temple this morning, but I send him by himself - I'm not really in the mood to socialize with the extended family right now and I don't want my known condition to detract from the happiness of the event. Today is also supposed to be the last soccer games of the season, but M&M's game is postponed until next week sometime... I go to the other two games - one win, one loss. I enjoy watching the kids play soccer, but I'm ready for it to be over for the season.

After the games I lay down for a little bit and then decide I'm feeling well enough to go to our adult session of Stake Conference. DH will join me at the end because his cousin's wedding reception is also at the same time and he feels a family obligation to go and support his cousin. I arrive a few minutes late to the conference and sit in the back on a folding chair. Unfortunately I wish I had chosen a seat closer to the door because after sitting there for a little while I start to feel a little light headed and not sure if I can stay sitting upright. I really just want to go out in the foyer and sit on the couch out there so I can rest my head for a few minutes, but I'm not sure if I can make it without passing out on my way. I keep sitting there and checking my cell phone and hoping that DH will show up at any minute so he can help me out. I finally get a text from him asking it it is still worth it for him to come. I quickly respond, "yes". He still doesn't show up and then I notice that I have two new messages from him - how did I miss that first one? The first one was saying he just pulled into the house, should he still come and then the second said that he was sitting right behind me. I turned around and didn't see him anywhere. Finally after looking several times I spot him about 10 rows behind me on the other side of the row - not quite the "right behind" that I was expecting. At this point we were on the closing hymn and somehow I was still sitting upright. After the prayer, he came up to me and I said I wasn't feeling well so he helped me up and we quickly hurried for the doors. Once we got outside to the cool air I felt a little better and we only live a block from the church so we were home within a couple of minutes. On our way up to the front door one of my neighbors who went through chemotherapy for breast cancer a couple of years ago was passing by our house on her way home from the meeting as well and asked if I had a few minutes to talk to her. Ever since I was first diagnosed with cancer her name immediately came to my mind as someone that I should talk to about her experience and someone that I could ask questions of since she has been through something similar. It was good, but emotional to talk to her. She has offered to lend me her hats and scarves and even her wig if I want to try it out. I'm sure I will have more questions for her as I go through all of this. (I did really enjoy the talks from the conference though - and I even took notes during the talks. Partly to keep myself conscious and try and get my mind off of how poor I was feeling...)

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie-
    I just finished reading all your entries. It helps to know how you are doing and what is going on. Wish I could be there to help. Am so grateful your parents are there. You're a strong woman with a positive attitude and I know these attributes will carry you far. Know that you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. We love you and your family. Mom Nielson
