Sunday, October 23, 2011

Had a rough time sleeping last night. So far my biggest side effect of everything is constipation and I was very uncomfortable all night long and up every hour or two. When the nurse in the infusion room hooked me up to one of the drugs she said, this one will either give you diarrhea or constipation - apparently for me it's the constipation end of it. They recommend some over-the-counter drugs for it but I haven't had the chance to get to the store to get some yet. They also recommend that you drink more liquids, which I am trying to do, but my appetite and desire to drink hasn't been great since my infusion day.

I went with the family to a broadcast of Regional Conference at our local meetinghouse a block away. We were really surprised at how empty the building was for the broadcast! (I think it didn't help that it was the big fall break off of school weekend.) Thankfully the kids were relatively well behaved (with the exception of MJ at times) and there were some good messages given.

After we came home I ate a little lunch and then laid down for a nap. During that time Blondie came in to try and tell me that MJ had a dirty diaper and I shooed her out of my room and told her to tell her dad. Well, the next thing I know, DH is coming to check on MJ and her diaper has leaked and it has been smeared all over the carpet in the upstairs rooms... There's a spot in my room, all over the little girls' room, in the hallway and even down a few of the stairs... Why it took the kids this long to notice, I'm not sure, but it was disgusting... So we spent what should have been a relaxing Sunday cleaning up and steam cleaning the carpets (we have a Bissell, deep cleaning vacuum).

Once that chaos was finally under control we headed over to my parents' house for Sunday dinner. My sister and her family were also there so we had a nice visit with them and then it was back home again so the kids could get all of their school stuff together. Tomorrow the elementary school kids finally go back to school after their 4-week off-track break. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing at this point. It will be nice to not have all the chaos of the 5 younger kids at home, but it will also be sad to not have the older ones around to entertain the youngest two and help out with them. I'm not sure how much energy I'm going to have to deal with them by myself for the whole day.

When we got home from my parents' house we had 5 little plastic pumpkins on our doorstep with candy in them for the kids and a vase with a single white rose in it. We found out later that the pumpkins were from a good friend in the ward (the stake president's wife) and the rose was from the last rose from the yard of our recently released Relief Society president who also brought us some funeral potatoes that we had with dinner the following day. We also got a call from another aunt of DH's who stopped by to talk with us and let us know of their love and care.

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