Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Had another rough night last night. I really need to buy some medicine at the store to help me out. One of my goals today is to try and make it to the grocery store - a tall feat with just me and the two girls. The kids make it off to school just fine. I'm feeling alright other than the constipation so DH goes on to work again. I finally manage to get the girls dressed and then get myself in the shower. I almost give up on trying to go to the grocery store, but I finally pull myself together and manage to get a few of the essentials on the list. Unfortunately I for some reason forget to get the constipation medicine... I feel like I'm having a hard time thinking straight at times - I can't quite put my finger on what the problem is. The other item on my to-do list is to drive the carpool for the Youth Symphony group that M&M has rehearsals for on Mondays after school. I just have to pick the kids up after school and drive them to the rehearsal every other week. I'm not 100% sure I should be driving right now, but it's something I have to do today. Thankfully I get them there alright and get back home alright. I may need to look into changing that schedule on days where I'm not feeling well. Later that evening we take a family trip to the library. Afterwards DH thankfully makes a run to the store for me to pick up some medication. I hope it works so I can start sleeping at night...

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