Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween! Well, I had a hard time falling asleep last night AGAIN!! This time I stayed up updating my blog until about 1:00 in the morning. I think I fell asleep around 1:30.

Well, it's started. I showered this morning and then started brushing my hair and it was coming out in much larger amounts than it ever has before. I'm nervous to lose my hair. It has gotten really long lately and I was planning on cutting it until I was diagnosed with cancer and found out that my hair would be falling out. Then my thought was, "I'm not going to pay to have my hair cut just to have it fall out a couple of weeks later."

My dad came over this afternoon to watch MJ so that Kay and I (and my mom) could go to the school parade. I think Kay enjoyed the one on one attention. After that I put MJ down for a nap and then read for a little bit. I am going to try and not nap at all today in hopes that I will be really tired at bedtime and actually fall asleep at a decent hour. I'm not sure why I'm not just dropping off from sheer exhaustion with the lack of sleep I have had the last few nights!

When Blondie came in the door from school she immediately asked me if Kitty was here. I told her no and asked if she was on the bus. Apparently she wasn't and Blondie and Luke just assumed that I had taken her home after the school parade. I quickly run out to the car and take off for the school. I tell the kids that if Kitty or someone from the school calls, to tell them that I am on my way to school and then to call my cell phone so I know she called. All kinds of thoughts run through my head about what may have happened to her. As I pull up to the school I see Kitty running at full speed towards the school. I turn into the drive-through lane and honk my horn, hoping she will stop, but she keeps going and runs in the school as I pull up to the door. I roll down my window and yell her name and luckily she hears me and runs back out. She is somewhat hysterical and it takes her a few minutes to calm down before I can figure out what happened. Apparently she got out of class after the bus had already left so she went over to to car pickup lane and waited for me there, assuming that I would come pick her up. Kids just kept leaving and leaving until there was only one kid and her out there. I think the parent of the other kid told her to go to the office and call home and that's when I pulled up and saw her running to the front door of the school. What I can't figure out is why the administrators would leave a 1st grader out there in front of the school by herself. I think I will have to look into that. And, we went over what she should do next time if she ever misses the bus next time. (Thankfully this happened at a time where I was well enough to immediately leave the house and go pick her up.)

The weather was perfect for Trick-or-Treating! The kids had a good time and I stayed home with MJ and M&M handing out candy. After we got the kids to bed I asked DH to cut my hair. After thinking about it a little I decided that my hair will probably fall out more slowly if it is shorter - less tangles to have to brush out. Plus I'm not keen on the idea of having long hair all over the house as it falls out... So I put my hair in a ponytail and had DH cut off the ponytail just about the ponytail holder. The I just trimmed a few hairs here and there and we all think it looks pretty good. I put the ponytail in a ziploc bag and I am going to save it. After that I went online and ordered a couple of hats and a wig. Wow that sounds weird! Hopefully I will get it shortly and that I will like the wig. DH and M&M and I spent quite a while trying to decide on the style and the color to order. We all just want it to look natural and not look like I have a cheap wig on my head. Here's to hoping!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that your loosing your hair! Lauren has prayed that you will like your wig. We are thinking of you! If you could think of something that would keep your little ones busy we would love to send something!!! We love you.
