Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I think I need a new pillow. I finally went to sleep at a decent hour last night, but I don't think I slept too well and I woke up with a headache. That's always bad news for me. It usually means that my neck is out of whack and the headache will get progressively worse throughout the day. I also had some weird dreams last night about waking up and finding clumps of my hair had fallen out in the night... I am able to manage through the day without taking anything for my headache, but then take some Tylenol before bedtime. I didn't take a nap again in hopes that I will get another good night of rest.

When I showered and brushed my hair this morning, I didn't notice any hair coming out so I am crossing my fingers! Hopefully cutting my hair will slow down the process. I'm nervous to even touch my hair during the day for fear that too much contact will make it fall out quicker!

A friend watches the girls for me this morning so I can make a run to the store again. It is definitely a much easier task without my kids with me. It's a pretty normal day for me and I feel fine. How can I feel so normal and healthy with something so deadly inside of me? It just doesn't seem possible...

I get an email this afternoon from the company I ordered the wig from saying that the package has been shipped! Talk about quick service!! I'm nervous/excited all at the same time. The estimated delivery date is next Monday.

We had a primary presidency meeting this evening. Wonderful ladies that I serve with. It is definitely a frustrating calling at times though! We seem to have so many callings that we are always trying to fill and not enough people to pick from! We have a lot on our plates to deal with and lots to prepare for when the kids all move up classes in January. I hope I am able to stay healthy enough to fulfill my calling and not need to be released. Right now I am able to manage just fine, but unfortunately I know that there are many rough days ahead of me. I know that it is a concern of the bishop (and stake president), especially since our president is dealing with her own major health issues.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad so many people are helping to take care of you and your family.
