Thursday, October 6, 2011

Pretty much an emotional wreck off and on throughout the day. DH stayed home from work to be my support person. The soonest they can get me in for the breast MRI and chest CT scan is Friday so it is a pretty low key day. During this whole time the kids are off-track (except for our oldest) so it's difficult in some ways to get some peace and quiet. At this point we decide that I need to wean MJ, our one year old. This is a pretty emotional decision for me because I have loved nursing all of my kids and have nursed all of them to at least 18 months (MJ is almost 15 months). She doesn't really need it anymore, it is more of a comfort thing for her. She loves to be nursed to sleep for naps and bedtime and then throughout the day, especially when she is upset. I also have lots of thoughts throughout the day about possibly not being around to see the kids grow up and them having to deal with me being sick as I go through treatments. I get the most upset when I think about everything the kids and my husband will have to go through as I deal with this illness.

I spent some time doing some cleaning and organizing of our storage room and getting Halloween decorations put up throughout the house. This kids really enjoyed doing this and it was fun watching their excitement over all of the fun decorations and wanting to help. I figure while I have the energy I need to get as much done as I can to get the house in order before I am laid up from the upcoming surgery.

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