Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Side effects so far from chemo treatment #3:

- Super tired - Since Saturday I have just wanted to lay around not doing too much of anything. My sleep has been good some nights and poor other nights. Saturday morning I went to the two baptisms for our ward and played some prelude & interlude music for it. It's been a while since I've played like that. That night I didn't sleep too well with Kay waking up partway through the night and then her waking up MJ when I tried to take her back to bed. My husband is also battling some head congestion so his sleep has been a little more noisy than usual - keeping me up in the middle of the night. I ended up sending the family to church without me and then I joined them for Sacrament Meeting.

- Lack of taste - Quite a few foods just have no taste to me the first week or so after my chemo. Two of the foods that have the most altered taste that I have noticed are yogurt and chocolate. Yogurt just tastes nasty to me and chocolate has hardly any taste at all. On Sunday I made a potato/cheese soup for dinner that the whole family loves and I sat down and ate a bite and could hardly taste anything - it was very disappointing!

- Tingling - The tingling in my fingers and feet hasn't seemed to be as bad so far this time around. I am crossing my fingers that it will not get any worse.

- Headache - My head has been absolutely pounding these last couple of days. It makes it hard to think clearly and I find myself super short-tempered all day long - especially with the kids.

Yesterday I put my wig on after my shower in the morning and came down to show Kay and MJ. Kay immediately saw me and said, "Whoa! I like that on you." MJ just sat there staring at me for the longest time trying to figure out what was going on! I think the wig looks fine. It is just a very different look for me - not my usual style so it will take a little bit of getting used to. I figure that I need to start feeling comfortable wearing it around the house or I will never feel comfortable enough to wear it outside of the house. I think I want to take a little bit of time to try styling it a little more to my liking, but so far I haven't had the energy to do that.

Sickness is abounding in our household! DH, MJ, M&M and Blondie all have coughs/colds and I think we have had some type of stomach virus going around the house as well. DH was up for a good chunk of the night last night with some stomach problems and MJ and Kay have had a little bit of something too - luckily no throwing up... My bowels have not been completely happy either, but I'm not sure if it is the same thing or side-effects from my chemo. MJ has been super whiny today and I hope that she starts to feel better soon! I don't have a lot of energy right now to deal with sick kids...

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